Choose size of business:
The avarage cost for one single support agent 2025 is 39 000 SEK/month incl. taxes and fees. A medium sized company pays between 1500 and 300 SEK/month of Luum.
You do the math.
The avarage cost for one single support agent 2025 is 39 000 SEK/month incl. taxes and fees. A medium sized company pays between 1500 and 300 SEK/month of Luum.
You do the math.
The avarage cost for one single support agent 2025 is 39 000 SEK/month incl. taxes and fees. A medium sized company pays between 1500 and 300 SEK/month of Luum.
You do the math.
The avarage cost for one single support agent 2025 is 39 000 SEK/month incl. taxes and fees. A medium sized company pays between 1500 and 300 SEK/month of Luum.
You do the math.
Customize it
Create your own AI assistant with Luum and integrate it into your website in just minutes. Our intuitive platform makes customization effortless, so you can start engaging visitors right away.
Name it and style it
We want your AI Agent to be as personal as possible and to represent your company in the best of ways.
I need help finding the best...
Give your AI Agent a name
Choose your primary color for certain design element like the send button
Choose between instant or streamed response
Feed it
With a combination of your unique documentation, an intelligent website crawler, and AI-powered analysis, LUUM becomes your company's personal expert.
It eats almost anything
To be the best knowledge base for your company, it has to learn from the best. Feed it with your choice of data.
Website crawl
PDF, Word, JSON, .txt
Product lists
Manual input
Crawl your website including sub pages
Upload files in almost any format
Write manual inputs and save them to the memory of your AI Agent
Let LUUM work!
Say goodbye to manual customer and user support. Set up LUUM, fine-tune and tailor it to your needs, and let it handle all inquiries for your company!
A fan of numbers and fine tuning?
We make it easy for you to get a quick or an in depth analysis of how your AI Agent is performing.
Chat opens
Unique users
Cost summary
Intuitive dashboard with granular data
Analyze the answers from your Ai Agent and fill in knowledge gaps on the fly
Edit uploaded files and data
Choose size of business: